Dogwood Village Pet Policy


  1. Any resident or applicant who wishes to keep a pet shall so inform management
  2. All residents shall complete a profile on for each animal on property.
  3. A pet application & ID form shall be completed and signed immediately by the resident. 
  4. Pets of vicious or dangerous disposition shall not be permitted.
  5. A pet will not be permitted to disturb the health, safety, rights, comfort or peaceful and quiet enjoyment of other tenants.  Any pet duly determined to constitute under state or local law as a nuisance or threat may be required to be immediately removed.
  6. Common household pets shall include domesticated dogs, cats, rodents, fish, birds and turtles kept for pleasure. Residents shall be limited to two cats or dogs (or one of each).
  7. Owners must be able to maintain control over their pets.  Breed restrictions apply. Restricted breeds include but are not limited to: American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, Chow Chow, Presa Canario, Cane Corso, Neopolitan Mastiff, Wolf, Wolf Hybrid.
  8. Pet owners shall provide Dogwood Village with verification of age appropriate vaccinations and rabies shots, and keep them current.
  9. Pets shall be restrained (cats and dogs must be leashed) when on property outside the owner’s apartment or visiting in the apartment of another resident.
  10. Pet owners shall be liable for damage caused by their pets. It is strongly suggested that pet owners obtain liability insurance.  
  11. A pet deposit and non-refundable fee will be charged for each pet.
  12. Pet owners shall provide the name and address of a pet caretaker who will assume responsibility for the care of their pets should the owner be unable to, as well as the name and address of the veterinarian responsible for the pet’s healthcare. If the tenant is unable to provide the name of a pet caretaker, he/she shall make alternative arrangements for pet care in an emergency and shall notify management of these arrangements.


Resident agrees to promptly and regularly perform the following obligations in respect to ownership of a pet:

  1. Keep the unit and its patios, if any, clean and free of pet odors, insect infestation and pet feces, urine, waste and litter.  Insect infestation shall be remediated by pet owner.  If Dogwood Village has to implement infestation control, it shall be deducted from the pet deposit.
  2. Restrain and prevent the pet from gnawing, chewing, scratching or otherwise defacing the doors, walls, windows and floor coverings of the unit, other units and the common area, buildings, landscaping and shrubs.
  3. Immediately remove, clean up and appropriately dispose of any pet feces, waste and litter deposited by the tenant’s pet on the common grounds, shrubs, flower beds, sidewalks, parking lots and streets of the community. Dispose of pet waste and litter appropriately. 
  4. Failure to clean up after your pet will result in a $50 charge for each offense.
  5. Tenants shall be responsible for the proper care and feeding of their pets. If the health or safety of the pet is threatened by the death or incapacity of the pet owner or if the pet is left unattended for 24 hours, the apartment manager may contact the responsible party designated by the pet owner in the pet registration. If that person is unavailable or unwilling to care for the pet, the apartment manager may contact the appropriate state or local authority to remove and care for the pet.  If care cannot be arranged, the pet shall be turned over to the local animal shelter at which time their policies regarding care and survival take effect.
  6. By signing below, you acknowledge all policies, rules and obligations.  You accept responsibility for harm/damage to other’s personal safety and/or property caused by your pet.  You hereby indemnify and release Dogwood Village Apartments, it’s owner’s and employees from liability caused by your pet.